
Zikrr, Mohit Sharma, Hindi Rock Band, music Band

It was 2012 and The Live Music Scene was witnessing a Revival of sorts, especially in metropolitan cities such as Delhi, which were overcome with a DJ and Electronic Music Culture. New Stages started to come up who were willing to give an opportunity to anyone who had the talent to enthrall their patrons. With the already settled bands going mainstream and gaining a major following, It was the right time for up and coming bands to claim their stake in a promising environment for growth, That is when Zikrr came into being.

Their story begins at a Music School at Satya Niketan, near South Campus, Delhi where the  band’s founder and Bassist, Mohit Sharma along with some of his fellow batchmates, decided to jam and form a Hindi Rock Band after an unsuccessful attempt at forming an Alternative Rock Band. The Band played its first Gig at Café Tryst, Saket on the 5th of December 2012 thereby Embarking on a Journey which has now entered its 10th year. 10 years later and more than 1000 shows under their belt, Zikrr has come a long way from where they began initially.

Today, Zikrr is one of the most celebrated bands in the country and has a massive fan following in all parts of our country. The 6 member ensemble boasts of an extremely talented yet humble lineup of youth and experience, which while playing together is no less than a musical power house. Their main USP is their Trend-setting Male-Female Singer combination. After Having played at almost all the biggest stages in the nation, The people of Zikrr believe that things are far from over and Greatness and the next Chapter of the Dream, They’ve seen together is just around the corner. A dream which brought so many people from so many diverse and cultural backgrounds together and made them what they are today. The band along with the people who make things work off stage work day in and out to make memories while being at Zikrr. When the likes of Vidhi, Saurabh, Mohit, Himanshu, Lavanya and Mohit are rocking it on stage, Zeeshan, Kunal, Asif & Tushant work their magic off it to make each performance an everlasting one.

As Zikrr enters its 10th year of making music and rocking the stage, they’re all prepared for the journey and challenges that the road may bring.

Here’s us wishing these musical madmen on their 10th Musical Anniversary and good luck for the music ahead.

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